Why is port forwarding not working on my Netis router?

First of all you should stop using port 80 for your server. Why? Because your router usually uses the port for the configuration and coming from the outside, you create a conflict between the two, since from the outside they have the same IP address and use the same port.

So, do yourself a favor and use another port on your server, then forward from from 80 outside to the other port inside. Might not be necessary. But is better practice.

Next, you are going to run into trouble trying to communicate with your server from the inside with your outside address. I know, you said you did from the outside. Just saying. This would be a loopback and doesn’t work by default.

As “Raks” said, with modern Internet connections the Internet service providers usually block access from the outside and trying to gain access from the outside, you won’t even get to the port forwarding. You won’t even get to the modem. Most average users don’t know that, until they try to get a connection from the outside.

The way to get access from the outside depends on your provider. I have a provider that requires a phone call. They need to make the settings and according to the info it’s usually a paid service, allthough they did it for free. Another service provider actually has the setting in the online account and I can change it myself online.

But I have to contradict the statements too, because pings usually work from the get-go and are usually enabled by default on most devices and setups.

A really important contradiction to “Raks” answer is, that you should NOT use a static IP address from the outside at all. That’s a bad idea. The reason why “Raks” suggests it is, because it’s a bit easier to set up.

But you should actually strive to make sure to get really good dynamic IP service, that changes the IP address EVERY TIME you reconnect. Given you open up access from the outside, you make your private network vulnerable to attacks and hackers. The worst idea you can have, is to get a static IP address. This makes it as easy as it gets for hackers, to find you. So, DON’T!

In this case ALWAYS go the extra mile to learn how to set up a dynamic IP service. Use a static domain name and auto-update the IP for the domain from your server. In case the IP is not current, it’s worth waiting 5 minutes for the cron job that updates it every 5 minutes. But a dynamic IP is going to make it a lot more secure.

You might want to take a look at my according Github repo. There you’ll find a Python script for ChangeIP, which offers free dynamic IP service. Although, last time I tried to make some changes, nothing worked for me. But it always did before and my servers still work. Other providers offer similar services. Even my web hosting provider offers dynamic DNS settings for my domains and subdomains.


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