Is switching to Linux a way to save storage?

Thanks for the A2A.

That’s an interesting question. This could be viewed from many different perspectives.

I’d say, this depends on what you are going to do with Linux and which distribution you choose. For example, the current BlackArch image seems to be somewhere around 12GB.

It also depends, what you are switching from. For example MacOS is basically a Unix derivative and therefore a lot lighter and better performing than Windows too. It’s also a lot closer to Linux than Windows.

Yes, Linux is usually a lot lighter and better performing than Windows. So, you could consider it for that reason. Although I guess, most people wouldn’t exactly switch for that reason. Especially in times, when storage space is kind of cheap. There is a lot more to consider.

Windows is an operating system that is being developed for ease of use and with the home user in mind. Linux isn’t even an operating system. Technically, it’s an operating system core or kernel, with a modular build of tools around it. Which makes it very versatile. While it’s not as easy to use as Windows (at least if you want to get everything out of it), the whole point is, to adjust it to your individual purpose, taste and working style. Windows and Linux show their biggest strengths in different fields.

Both kind of deal with a broad variety of hardware. MacOS on the other hand is closely tied to a narrow range of hardware and therefore goes usually deeper than the two.

So, one could consider storage space to be a reason for using Linux. And yes, Linux is usually a lot lighter than Windows. There are options that run in the smallest of devices, like modems, networking devices, printers,… but there are likely more important ideas behind a switch than just storage space. Also, are you sure you would use Linux the same way and for the same stuff as Windows?


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