Is Udemy good for Linux learning?

Let me share one or two secrets with you.

Secret #1: who do you think would be allowed to create the content on Udemy?

Answer: Everyone!

Did you think, there are some special professionals behind Udemy for all fields that check the content inside out and front to back? NO!

Meaning, content could be created by actual experts. Content could be created by people who may LOOK like experts to a beginner and content could be created by total beginners.

Secret #2: what do you think is the biggest motivation for people, to create content for Udemy?

Answer: MONEY!

People who create content for Youtube, Udemy, online courses are people who want to make money! They are not there to help you!

Based on the actual experience I can tell you, that most people just want to make money and the courses offered are often very basic and very poor. You will very likely find the best examples of this statement in the coding and development section.

The truth is, that established and experienced coders rarely have the time to sit down and introduce beginners to coding. In fact, they are so far ahead, that you would have a hard time even following them. The same goes for many other topics.

Those who actually create the courses, are often those who are not able to make it in the industry. It is those people who don’t make money or enough money from applications they develop, who need to create courses for beginners, to make more money.

That said: is Udemy good for learning Linux topics? Well, it’s a place as good as any where anybody can offer courses. There is no one fits all answer. You might find better and poorer courses. So, make sure you choose wisely by comparing courses and contents, watching the free videos first and by considering and reading feedback. Especially the negative feedback!

Using some beginner-friendly distribution, getting into Linux is actually not that hard. For a quickstart you could use this for example:

Linux Start For Windows Users


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