Thank you very much for the A2A. While it looks quite simple on the outside, the more I think about the question, the more I like it. This question actually has a lot to it, that could be easily missed. So, I hope you don’t mind, if I dissect it….
The whole Internet and networks are primarily based on client server technology. There is a server that serves a services, to a client that requests it. An examples are websites. Websites are simple files on a computer… a server. And your web browser is the client that requests it from…
First of all you should stop using port 80 for your server. Why? Because your router usually uses the port for the configuration and coming from the outside, you create a conflict between the two, since from the outside they have the same IP address and use the same port….
Thanks for the A2A. First of all let me say something, that all the other writers missed: Linux isn’t even an operating system. It’s just a kernel. An operating system core, that does the basic stuff like managing running processes. So, there is a significant different between Linux and other…
Thanks for the A2A. SuSE already had live CD versions back in the ‘90s. Knoppix is currently in version 8.6 from August 2019. Version 5.2 has been advertised in 2007. Meaning, the distro has been around for more than a decade. So, let me ask you this: what kind of…
The answer seems simple and straight forward, but it is actually not that simple to answer. The main reason is, because Windows and Linux are quite different and the answer depends on the user. Windows has been released first in a time when there has been no Internet for home…
Thanks for the A2A. While this is not very common among desktop or server distributions, this is actually a valid question. See, Linux is an operating system kernel with a modular build of tools around it. This system makes Linux very versatile. This is also the reason, why there are…